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Electric Muffle Furnace (Max. 1,000°C 전기로)
Ideal for experiments and process needs high temperature up to 1,000°C such as chemical analysis, annealing loss determination, materials testing and ashing processes.
Electric Muffle Furnace (Max. 1,100°C 전기로)
Ideal for experiments and process needs high temperature up to 1,100°C such as chemical analysis, annealing loss determination, materials testing and ashing processes.
Electric Muffle Furnace (Max. 1,200°C 전기로)
Ideal for experiments and process needs high temperature up to 1,200°C such as chemical analysis, annealing loss determination, materials testing and ashing processes.
14th Vietnam Medi-Pharm Expo 2007 베트남국제제약의료전시회
2007년 5월 23일 ~ 5월 26일 베트남국제전시장, 하노이, 베트남
9th Asia Pharma Lab Expo
February 23 ~ 25 2017, ICCB 다카, 방글라데시